Halo Dog Collar

At Technobark, we are passionate about bringing you the latest state-of-the-art pet tech that makes life easier for both you and your dogs. We believe strongly that technology can enhance the lives of our furry friends, making them happier, healthier, and more connected to their human companions. Learn more about us and our mission.

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PetSafe Drinkwell Multi-tier Pet Fountain for dogs

PetSafe Drinkwell Multi-tier Pet Fountain Review

PetSafe Drinkwell Multi-tier Pet Fountain Review

Amazon Reviews4.0 out of 5
Technobark Review9.7 out of 10
Who is the dog gadget for? For dog owners who carry about dog's dehydration and health
Aligned for a healthy diet, our dogs need clean and fresh water. Our pets don’t only need a clean eating diet, but clear and fresh water is a must for them to be completely healthy. They need 1oz of water per 1lb of body weight daily. When they meet this requirement, there would be no need to worry about dehydration. A visit to the vet wouldn’t be…

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Woof Washer 360: Pros, Cons, Tips and Tricks

Every dog owner is aware of the pains and labor of getting their pup in a bath. Bath time may be the most challenging activity of pet ownership. In response, bathing tools are circulating the market, offering various types of…

focuspet iq treatball

FOCUSPET IQ Treat Ball for Dogs Big Review

FOCUSPET IQ Treat Ball for Dogs
Quick Summary

Amazon Reviews4.2 out of 5
Technobark Review9.7 out of 10
Who is the dog gadget for? For dog owners who wants to keep their dogs entertained and busy
Our fur babies keep us happy and entertained, and every dog owner can prove that. But that’s not all, according to the American Heart Association, pet owners have a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases such as lower…

SportDOG In-Ground Dog Fence System Review

SportDOG In-Ground Dog Fence System Review

SportDOG In-Ground Dog Fence System

Amazon Reviews4.2 out of 5
Technobark Review9.2 out of 10
Who is the dog gadget for? For people who want to train their dog
Do you have a really playful dog that loves to explore? You would probably consider buying SportDOG In-Ground Dog Fence System. Seeing our furry babies in their natural nature and freedom is amusing. However, a dog who…

Dexas MudBuster Portable Dog Paw Cleaner review

Dexas Petware Mudbuster Dog Aqua Paw Washer Review

Dexas Dog Paw Cleaner Quick Summary

Amazon Reviews4.4 out of 5 (over 280 customer reviews)
Main FeaturesEasy to use, Safe and Gentle Silicon Bristles, Ideal for Anytime, Awesome for All Sizes
Who is the dog gadget for? For dog owners who don't like a mess all over the place
It is fun to play and keep an active lifestyle with our pets. Our fuzzy friends stay happy, energized and alert. For us dog owners, we get a lot of health benefits by staying active with our…